Tzu’s Fan art Call of the Wolf Chapter 5 & 6
Tender W olf’s
Fall Fashion
The Serpentine Races
On T he Tube with Daelin Dwin
The Deep

Exclusive Covera

ge from:


By the community, for

the comm


Mag Guild

October - Issu

e #3

© 2003-2010 Ar enaNet, Inc. All rights r eserv ed. NCsoft, the in t erlocking NC log o, Ar enaNe t, Ar t, Guild W ar s, Guild W ar s 2, and all associa t ed log os and designs ar e tr ademarks or r egis t er ed tr ademarks of NCsoft Corpor a tion. All other tr ademarks ar e the pr operty of their r espectiv e owner s.
Waters of Tyria

This issue’s


The Deep Abadd on The Lux ons Title Hun t er s: G W AMM P oe try And mo
And mo r e.. ..
This issue:
San Diego ComicCo n Twitchy's ComicCon rep ort. Water s of Tyr ia A thorough article on the waters of the world and the ir unsolved m ysteri es → Fall Fa shion
→ Look your best this season with fall fashion tips. →	Guild Wars 2 Demo Review  A hands-on review of the live demo. →	The Adventures of Soy Oil Minion Bomber Not just anyone can be a Minion Bomber. →	Tzu’s Artwork Check out some artwork from the talented Tzu. → GamesCom 2010 → GamesCom 2010 Our experiences, reviews and an interview with Tearsdale. → The Serpentine Races Exciting lore articles on the known serpentine races in the world of Tyria: the forgotten, the krait and the naga. → Title Hunters: GWAMM Interviews with dedicated players who achieved the acclaimed "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals" title.
acclaimed "God Walking Amongst Me re Mortals" titl e. GamesCom Q&A with Jeff Grubb and Colin Jo hanson A continuation of our vide o interview. On Th e Tube With Da elin Dwin A recap of some of the most entertaining Guild War s videos on Yo uTu be.
→ → → Abaddon: The Insane God Another fascinating study by Gawain Draxynnus. →	PAX-Prime 2010  Izari’s report from the front. →	Holiday Hipster Contest Dress up for Halloween or Wintersday and get a chance to win exclusive PAX swag!
chance to win exclusive PAX swag! History and Cul ture of th e Luxo n Armad a Background lore on the nomadic factio n. The Dee p Delve into a mine deep beneath the jade sea, and dis- cover the evils containe d within. → Poetry
→ → Community submitted poetry.  → The Norn An inside look into the norn culture. → Convention Videos All our GamesCom & PAX footage on one page. → Call of the Wolf The story continues with chapter five and six. → End of the Line
→ End of the Lin e The last tidbits and a pre view of what we’re planning for the next issue .
P AX- Pr im e 2010
San Diego Comi c Con
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Three water Djinn enter a bar... Half the clientele rushes out, while the other half cowers in a corner of the room The barman stutters: " can I you?" 1st Djinn: "Don’t worry, it is us..." Barman: "W...w...what?" Barman: "W...w...what?" 2nd Djinn: "Mister smarty pants over here was convinced he bought 3 Gin Tonics."
This issue of GuildMag is all about the conventions. Members of the GuildMag team were able to attend GamesCom, ComicCon and PAX to bring us first hand coverage of all the exciting gaming news from the events!  Our convention coverage begins with ComicCon. Our convention coverage begins with ComicCon. GuildMag writer Twitchy was able to attend this event in San Diego, and brought back with her an insightful article all about her experiences at Comic-Con.  The next convention was GamesCom, and with it
The next convention was GamesCom, and with it came a lot of exciting gaming news and th e first hands-on demo of Guild Wars 2 playable by the public. Our Dutch dele gation, consisting of myself, Arghore, Jonny10 and Asuran, couldn't wait to play the demo and inte rview the developers. We have several articles about the demo and the convention from each of our perspectives, in addition to an e x
from each of our perspectives, in addi tion to an ex- clusive chat from the ArenaNet Party featuring Ar g- hore.
Lastly, GuildMag write r Izari and editor Jess tre kked across the country to Seattle for PAX Prime. Izari brought home with her a ton of swag as well as ex- clusive coverage of the event including the GW2 dy- namic events panel and the invitation only Are- naNet party.
In addition to the abundance of convention cover-age, we bring you entertaining features centered around this month's issue theme "the Waters of Tyria." Dive right in with articles on the luxons, the bodies of water, Abaddon and more.  All in all, this issue promises to be packed with cool All in all, this issue promises to be packed with cool stuff for everyone to enjoy, so please read on and be sure to leave your feedback at!  -Dutch Sunshine
Reports from:
GuildMag, the unofficial Guild Wars magazin e
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By T wit ch y
June 22nd-25th marked the weekend of my third Comic Con in downtown San Die go, Cali- fornia. Born and raised in SoCal all my life , it actually saddens me that I haven’t gone to more Comic Cons than that. It re ally is an awesome place—comic books, movies, video games and even some cable TV networks all share the floor at the massive e vent. Even though it’ s dubbed Comic Con, the convention itse lf pretty much houses something for ev- eryone. So it really comes as no surprise that the attendees are a veritable mosaic of all dif- ferent types of people. You’ve got the cosplayers, the mega comic book nerds, th e gamers, the fangirls and even a significant portion of re gular, curious people braving the crowds for
the fangirls and even a significant portion of regular, curious people braving the crowds for a glimpse of just what the heck is going on.
Comic Con is massive and an ende avor to prepare for. The event is in July, but my friend and I had to buy our badges in October. That sounds ridiculous, but Comic Con sells out at an ob- scenely fast pace, and I wasn't about to miss out. Hotels are also a factor that you have to stay on top of. The hotels around the convention center are usually very, ve ry expensive, b ut still book fast around the days of the con. More affordable options are at a farther distance, but such a trade-off is usually not as painful as it sounds. Navigating downtown San Die go and finding parking is actually quite simple with a little knowledge of the area.
wednesday- July 21st, Wednesday night, was the big drive down for me. A-er work I gathered my things, stu-ed them into my car and began the uneven-ul ride from Los Angeles to La Jolla, San Die go where my friend’s apartment was. Immediately a-er arriving and ge-ng se-led, my friend and I went to sleep. We had a big day ahead of us tomorrow, and we couldn’t wait!
thursday- On Thursday morning, at around 8am, we grabbed the essen-als for our trek into down-town conven-on territory- wallets, cell phones, water bo-les and comfy shoes. It’s always good to pack light for this thing, because you’re guaranteed mountains of swag that can add up to quite a few pounds. That extra weight is not fun to haul around at the end of the day if you’re not prepared.  Past experience with Comic Con allowed us to -nd parking a few blocks away from the con Past experience with Comic Con allowed us to -nd parking a few blocks away from the con-ven-on center. Though San Diego gets completely packed from the event, it's s-ll possible to -nd a decent place to leave your car. Also, if you happen to be near a trolley sta-on, then you're also in luck. A sta-on drops o- literally right in front of the conven-on center. Comic Con certainly gets crazy, but it's s-ll at a very accessible venue, with many op-ons for parking just a short walking distance away.  A-er our brief walk, we waited in the registra-on line for maybe a half hour. Despite the
A-er our brief walk, we waited in the registra-on line for maybe a half hour. Despite the amount of people gathered to pick up badges the -rst day, I was pleasantly surprised to -nd the line moving at a dece nt pace. The giant swag bags that Warner Brothers has been known for every year were par-cularly popular this -me around, it was almost as if e very major company there had their own giant tote for you to haul things in. Howeve r, I hon- estly don’t recommend it since the things are so big that once you start -lling the m with junk, the weight begins to do a numb er on your b ack.
The -rst day of the con mostly involved me and my friend ge-ng a feel for this year’s venue. We wandered the dealer’s hall -rst thing, to beat the crowd that would ine vitably hinder us later in the day. Thursday was pre-y good in that regard, I managed to scan the whole perimeter of the dealer’s hall, taking in as much as I could. N Cso-’s booth was nestled nicely in a corner and easy to locate and remember for the future. Later in the day, my friend and I a-ended a couple panels for TV shows we we re fans of. A-erwards we le- the conven-on center for the Mario- next door. It was here that all post-pane l freebies were given out. T-shirts, hats and posters galore! Not a bad way to end the day.
were given out. T-shirts, hats and posters galore! Not a bad way to end the day. friday-
Friday was a shopping day for us. We arrived there at around the same -me, and foun d th e crowd circula-ng in front of the conven-on ce nter a bit bigger than the day before. In the morning, it was easy to squeeze through the sizeable throng, but we kne w that come a-er- noon it would be a zoo. Inside , the dealer’s hall was a bit more boisterous and a few booths changed up the atmosphere a li-le to impress the growing crowd. Paramoun t had a Th or display that wasn’t there before- a huge golden throne that had to be aroun d 40 -. across . It was gaudy as heck, but cool to se e up close!
Reports from:
GuildMag, the unofficial Guild Wars magazin e
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By T wit ch y
As the crowd was thicker today than the day before, I found myself navigating the floor in a much more aimless fashion. I went wherever the flow took me, but I wasn’t disappointed. I enjoyed chatting it up with various vendors, and even spo-ed Peter Mayhew (of Chew-bacca fame) signing autographs. He’s there every year, as far as I know, but it’s still cool to see a Star Wars veteran appreciating fans.  Several art books, prints and toys later, our shopping Friday was up, and my friend and I took our aching feet and bags of stuff back home to recuperate.  saturday- saturday- The next day was the big one, Saturday, where the major panels and major crowds invaded
The next day was the big one, Saturday, where the major panels and major crowds invad ed poor, unassuming downtown San Diego for the geek-out party of their lives. My friend de- cided to wait four hours in line for the Harry Po-er panel in Hall H. My plan was a bit more productive—NCsoft time! I ventured to the booth at arou nd noo n, when at least some people were off to lunch. I didn’t really notice much difference in the crowd, though. NCsoft, like I said, was situated in a corner. It was the refore easy to find, and to me, in a thankfully le ss crowded area .
The booth housed several rows of nice computers, all playing demos of N Csoft’s Aion or City of Heroes. I goofed off on an Aion computer for a while, flying around and admiring the game’ s amazing scenery and detail. Couldn’t quite figure out where I was going, though. After that, the line for the book giveaway started deve loping, and I decided to try my hand at getting a free copy of Ghosts of Ascalon. And I didn’t leave empty-handed either!
My friend was kind enough to follow me to the Guild Wars 2 panel later that day. She wasn’t much of a gamer to begin with, but I was thankful for her easygoing nature. The panel wound up being a nice way to end our Saturday anyway. A lot of the information de-livered was stuff I’ve heard before (being a diligent GW2 Guru lurker), but it was cool seeing members of the Guild Wars 2 team up close and personal. The atmosphere was friendly, casual and exactly the type of panel that I wish happened more often at Comic Con.  sunday- Sunday, the event’s crowds started trickling away, li-le by li-le. We decided to take advan
Sunday, the event’s crowds started trickling away, li-le by li-le. We decided to take advan- tage of lowered sales at the dealer’s hall, as was tradition on Sundays, and remained there for several hours. There was a distinct feeling of the convention “toning down” a bit, which I didn’t mind. Though it was a new day, I was exhausted. Four days of d raggin g heavy b ags, wading through crowds and walking miles through conve ntion halls and downtown stre ets can do a number on anybody, but it was definitely a fun way to workout. In the end, my drive home was long and boring as expected, but I left satisfied that my time there was in no way wasted .
no way wasted . San Diego Comic Con is crowded, smelly and exhausting. It sometimes takes an incredible feat of patience to navigate, and even then you might not make it to that long-awaite d panel. But regardless of these faults, I plan to go again. And again. With the amount of stuff to see and do, things to tinker with and buy and awesome people to meet, I cannot stres s enough how amazingly fun the e xperience is. NCsoft and the Guild Wars 2 team's presence there made my experience doubly enjoyable, and I alre ady can't wait until ne xt year.
The Waters of Tyria
GuildMag, the unofficial Guild W ars magazine
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By Thalador Do omspeak er
The sea itself is separated from the Unending Ocean by a
The sea itself is separated from the Unending Ocean by a narrow strait, called the Strait of Malchor, that li es be- tween the Ruins of Orr and the Tarnished Coast. It was named after the sculptor who created the first generation of the statues of the gods. The S ea of So rrows is an imp or- tant trade route mainly for Canthan traders and Xun lai agents. Visitors from the Dragon Empire and Elona also
have to sail through this be autiful, but sorrowful se a in order to reach Lion’s Arch, the Krytan capital. giant’s basin:
These lakes often confuse newcomers and visitors ali ke. The two lakes form a pair, although the one that lies to the east near the foothills of the Shiverpeak Mo untains is called Le sser Giant’s Basin (obviously the smalle r of the two). Both of them are saltwater lakes and they provide an abundance of fish for the northern provin ces an d to wns of K ryta.
Our knowledge of its sea life is incredibly scarce . Som e people who have crossed the Clashing Se as claim to have seen krakens as well as other fearsome and g igantic crea- tures, but so far these reports have not been proven offi- cial ly. There are four known historical events that are tied to the
There are four known historical events that are tied to the Unending Ocean. One is from 175 BE (Before the Exo dus of the Gods). In this year the Margonite s, originally a se afar- ing tribe of humans before their transformation into de - monic beings, settled the ocean’s Elonian coasts as we ll as those north and to the west of the land, possib ly along th e Orrian peninsula. The ir vessels also ruled and cruise d the ocean during those peaceful ti mes.
ocean during those peaceful ti mes.
The second, the third, and the fourth even t are all con- nected to the Great Corsair Wars. The First Great Corsair War began in 712 AE, but other than its beginning, nothin g else is known about this se ries of maritime battles. How- ever, we know a lot more about the Second Great Co rsair War. It started in 982 AE and ended with the defeat of Lady Glaive's armada at the hands of Seamarshal Mato ha in 1016 AE. After her loss, Lady Glaive fled to Or rian wate rs
1016 AE. After her loss, Lady Glaive fled to Or rian wate rs on her ship, the Queen of Fools, where she and her crew were granted amnesty by King Zoran (father of K ing Reza who was the last monarch of the kingdom) in the un der- ground caverns we now call S hards of Orr. waters of the tyrian continent : the sea of sorro ws:
The inland sea that conne cts the shores of Kryta, the Tar- nished Coast and the Ruins of Orr origin ally had a mu ch brighter name. Prior to 1071 AE its name was the Bay of Sirens. After Orr sank to the bottom of the sea, seafarers ventured into Orrian waters to determine the fate of th e peninsula. The re they saw firsthand the horrible effects of the Cataclysm. The disastrous event destroyed many ships that were in the proximity of the explosion, and after some
that were in the proximity of the explosion, and after some time, more and more of the wreckage has washed ash ore
Water is powerful; more powerful, I'm su re , than yo u rea l- ize. -Bahltek
The lands of Tyria are full of unsolved myste ries. The seas and lakes of Tyria hold even more of these myster ies. No one knows how many species live there , how many long- forgotten ruins lie at their bottoms or how many powerfu l and ancient relics reside amongst their waves. The time wi ll come when the mortal races dare enter the unkno wn and try to shed some light on the aforementioned mysteries,
but they must prepare, for the seas and lakes won’t give away their secrets easily. Until then, allow me to dive into the mysteries of Tyria’s waters. the oceans of tyria:
Cantha lies south, across the ocean... past the ruins of Orr, past the islands of Fire, past the crystal lands of burning sun and beyond the Clashing Seas. Only the greatest sailors dare such a journey, I assure you. -Jiaju Tai So far we have knowledge of only one ocean, the Unending
So far we have knowledge of only one ocean, the Unending Ocean, or some may call it the Clashing Seas. It's unknown whether there are more, or if only one ocean divides the continents of the world. This e normous body of water separates the continents of Tyria and E lo na from Can tha. The Battle Isles (inhabite d by the Priests of Balthaza r and the Zaishen Order) lie somewhere in the ocean, however, it must be closer to Cantha, since the Empire of the Dragon
must be closer to Cantha, since the Empire of the Dragon claims the isles as its own. The actual distance be tween the isles and the continent has never been measured scientifi- cally, but captains and travelers say that it is as mu ch as several hundreds of mile s.
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By Thalador Do omspeak er
presence of this entity, and believed a simple spe ll could reveal the nature of its power. However, in the momen t he cast it, the power tapped into him, twisting bo th h is b ody and mind. Svanir was trapped in his be ar form, but he was not sane. His body be came icy, and spikes of ice jutted out of his shoulde rs. His sister resisted the grim power, but was cursed by it (she could not become the Bear until she sle w Svanir). The Nornbear, which Svanir had become, raided
Svanir). The Nornbear, which Svanir had become, raided norn travelers and settlements, until Jora ended his mad - ness in 1078 AE, during the Great Destroyer crisi s.
A short, but special discussion with Alk ar, the gr eatest Dwarven historian and scie ntist of our time, makes me be- lieve that the source of Svanir's corruption was an Elde r Dragon called Jormag. He told me not to delve into this matter more, for something terrible could happen . He said farewell and descended into the Depths. I haven't met him since then, and without the Tome of Rubicon, I cannot con - tinue this research. One thing is sure: be wary if you visi t
tinue this research. One thing is sure: be wary if you visi t Drakkar Lake ... ste amspu r bay: Steamspur Bay is a massive frozen bay south of Droknar’s Forge. Port Sledge, the only Dwarven seapor t, is e sta b- lished near its coast.
The river itself is very special. Those who trave rse and know it best call it the Dark River. Many guides and fe rry- men claim that something unseen is casting an unn at ural shadow over the course of the river. The source of this shadow has not been discovered yet. However, some ex- plorers and archivists speculate that the re's a hidden Mur- saat city - because of the unseen source of the shad ow -
somewhere close to its banks. None have found this city so far, or if they did, they could not return to te ll the tale. Or perhaps Saul D'Alessio did, but he did not speak of the city's location? somewhere close to its banks. N one have found this city so far, or if they did, they could not return to tell the tale. drakkar lake :
My brother and I were both hunters. One day, we chased our prey across Drakkar Lake, a place our people normally shun. -Jora This frozen lake lies between the highest peaks of the Far
A norn hunter, Svanir, was corrupted by somethin g an- cient, cold, and powe rful, when he was chasing wolv es with his sister, Jora, through the eerie lake . Svanir fe lt the
However, the more interesting of the two is the Greater Giant’s Basin. This inte rest is inspired by the area calle d Watchtower Coast, which, true to its name, holds several now-ruined towers. Nobody knows the true pu rp ose of these crumbled guardians, but historians speculate that in ancient times these guard towers protected Kryta from a mysterious northern threat that might have had the means to cross the lake.
to cross the lake. Also, the province of Shaemoor and the are a of Divinity Coast is the site of K ryta’s oldest settlements. Historical re- cords state that the coast and its neighb ou ring land s have been occupied by humans for more than seven hundred ye ars. the ullen river:
Its real name is Ullen River, but those of us who know it best never call it that. It's the Dark Rive r to us. Dark as in absence of light, yes but that's only part of it. A shadow lies over that region, and it is cast by something...uns een, I sup- pose y ou coul d say. -Old Jone ss
The Ullen Rive r river begins its journey from the southern hills of Twin Serpent Lakes, then flows in a western dire c- tion towards the Maguuma. Deep within the jungle, it turns south and continues its flow until it reaches Tangle Root.
The Waters of Tyria
GuildMag, the unofficial Guild Wars magazin e
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By Thalador Do omspeak er
[*]"The Northern Seas": A large sea or ocean that borders [*]"The Northern Seas": A large sea or ocean that borders the shores of the region that is north of Kryta and the Giant’s Basin. [*]"Delta River": A large river that flows from Greater Giant’s Basin and empties into the "Northern Seas" with a large delta. [*]"Maguuma Lake": A large lake west of Greater Giant’s [*]"Maguuma Lake": A large lake west of Greater Giant’s Basin and north of Bloodstone Fen. [*]"Amnoon Bay": A long bay that leads to Amnoon Oasis from the Sea of Sorrows. [*]"Dalada Lake": A medium-sized lake within the heart of
[*]"Dalada Lake": A medium-sized lake within the he art of the charr homelands. The lake is litte red with smalle r is- lands, with one large island standing out from the r e st, which is characterized by strange , spiked formation on this particular island. Thanks to High Priest Alkar ag ain, it se ems that the spike d ridge is another Elder Dragon, named Kral k- atorri k.
as the Crystal Desert was covered with water. It was the center of the Margonite civilization. During their golden age they built their towns and cities on the islands that stood out of the mighty sea. The Temple of the Si x Gods, which was drawn into Torme nt when Abaddon fell, also stood at its shore. It’s not fu lly known what h appened to the sea. Some (like Thade us Lamount, the famous Tyrian historian) say that the gods raised the land so all the water
historian) say that the gods raised the land so all the water emptied into the ocean, while others bel ie ve that Abaddon’s fall boiled the sea and devastated its coastline, since the area known as the Desolation was fo rmed in the very same year as the Crystal Desert. Only the gods know the truth to this mystery.
One thing is sure . The rise of the First of the Margonite s is connected to the Crystal Sea: Jadoth, a persecuted Margo- nite, was chased by an armada of Forgo tten warships through the Crystal Sea. On the 51st day of his e xil e , he be- seeched his god, Abaddon, to smite the Forgotten. Ab ad - don saved the haunted Margonite , then "gifted" him with his magic. It happened in 1 BE, according to a quote d part
of the Scriptures of Ab ad do n. Today, only the rotted ship rigs, the tattered sai l clothe s and the broken hulls mark that the area was once a sea. The same ship parts are the only remnan ts of the on ce grand Margonite culture. "thirsty river":
In the distant past, a mighty river shaped the lands east of Augury Rock. Adventurers can still see the deep channels of the river, but they will find no water there, only sand and dry wind. The Rune Circle, one of the keys to Ascen- sion, can be found in the imme diate area of the former river, and amongst the ruined ships of th e Margon ites. Those who wish to Ascend must cleanse the mselves through a ritual that burns away the person's e arthly im
through a ritual that burns away the person's e arthly im- perfections. The forgotten are still guarding this holy site .
Minor Rivers and Lakes of the Tyrian Continent: * Ascalonian Lakes: Once grand lakes of Ascalon, today, * Ascalonian Lakes: Once grand lakes of Ascalon, today, they are pools of tar and sludge. Because of their "ugly transformation," the enormous bones of the long-extinct Giganticus Lupicus became visible again. Adventurers can find their spines and skulls lying all over the northern "lakes" of Ascalon. The True Giants died out around 10,000 BE. * Tears of the Fallen: Two tear-shaped lakes near Dakutu * Tears of the Fallen: Two tear-shaped lakes near Dakutu Village. The area is infested with bog skales, although the local villagers live peacefully in hillside farms on the west side of the lakes. It might be good to know how they scare away those pests. * Twin Serpent Lakes/Footprint Lakes: Smaller lakes that
* Twin Serpe nt Lakes/Footprint Lakes: Smaller lake s that dot the area near Riverside Province. The Ul le n Riv er ori gi- nates from this area. former seas and rive rs of the tyrian continent: the crystal sea:
And so it came to pass that Jadoth, being persecuted by the horrific Forgotten armies, and hounded from his home, did seek refuge among the cooling mists of the Crystal Se a. -Scriptures of Abaddo n, 1 BE Before the Exodus of the human gods, the arid area known
The Waters of Tyria
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By Thalad or Doo mspeak er
The Elon continues to the south, crossing Vehtendi Valley, Yahtendi Canyons, and the Fortress of Jahai, where the Grand Cataract is. The river is briefly stopped at the Mahn-kelon Waterworks, but after regaining its strength it flows towards its end at the bay of Gandara.  The Elon river overflows its banks every spring, revitalizing
The Elon river overflows its banks every spr ing, re vi ta lizi ng the nearby plains in the proce ss, which allows the vill ages to begin the harvesting season. The river is protecte d by nature spirits, the Water Djinns. The se entities are almost one with the river, and it is their sacred duty to de fend it from evil or anyone who would wish to harm the river. Dehjah and Yartu are two of those spirits who are friendly to mortals except those whom threaten their bel ov ed riv er.
to mortals except those whom threaten their bel ov ed riv er.
In the year of 1075 AE, Warmarshal Varesh Ossa, descen- dant of the legendary Turai Ossa, made pacts with the ban - ished god, Abaddon. He r rituals enable d demons to slip into Tyria from the Realm of Torment. The Drought (a greater demon) made its lair within the Mahnkelon Wate r- works, intending to consume the Elon. The demon did n ot only want to taint the waters, but planne d to barrel down
the river, cross the channel and destroy Istan. F ortun ately, Sunspear heroes, the then Master of Whispers, an d th e river spirits thwarted its plans by destroying the w retche d creature. the bahnelon river:
The Bahnelon is a river east of the Elon. It is much sm alle r than its sister, and doe s not have as deep of an impact on the lives of the Kournans. Partially unde rground, it emerges to the surface near the Mahnkelon Ward, a water-pu mping station used to filtrate parts of the Elon and flush the waste into the Bahnelon, from where it continue s south until it flows into the sea at Freeman’s Cove (a small corsair com- munity).
munity). Waters of the Elonian continent:   the elon: Life here depends on the ebb and flow of the river Elon. -Jurah, the Master of Whispers The river Elon is the life-giving force of Elona. Without it, the
The river Elon is the life-giving force of Elona. Without it, the provinces of Vabbi and K ourna would be arid deserts. The source of the river is somewhere near Dasha Vestibul e , or further north, but Elonians consider the Mirror of Lyss to be the beginning of the Elon. The Mirror is a be autiful lak e in the heart of Vabbi. The Sebe lkeh Basilica, the most ornate and magical temple in Elona, and the heart of the Lyssan faith, is floating dire ctly above the reflecting pool.
faith, is floating dire ctly above the reflecting pool.
The Waters of Tyria
GuildMag, the unofficial Guild W ars magazine
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By Thalador Do omspeak er
Minor Lakes of the Canthan Continent (Shing Jea Island): * Lake Puang: A small lake in a cave near Tsumei Village.
* Lake Puang: A small lake in a cave ne ar Tsume i Vi lla ge. It is fed by the impressive Zen Nai Falls and provi de s fresh water from the mountains not only for the local inhabit- ants, but for the Empire of the Dragon as well - since it serves as Cantha's main water supply. It seems to be an im- portant site for the naga of Shing Jea Island. N aga wizards and witches can be often seen here.
* Miki Lake: A :ny, frozen lake in Jaya Bluffs. Overru n by the tengu and the ye:. It is not far from Zuuyu n Point , th e highest peak of the eastern mountain range of the island. * Tei Lake: A shallow lake north of the Daijun Library, in the valley of Zen Daijun. Pilgrims who visit the valley for en- lightenment often rest near this beau:ful and so othing po nd .
As you can all see, there’ s much to discover about th e waters of Tyria. Magical proper:es, sea life , for gotte n r eli cs and ruins. We all know that one day, we’ll go underwater and try to find the answers to these ques:ons. Bu t when is that day? -Thalador Doomspe aker Season of the Scion, Day 230 of 1079 AE
here’s no longer need for ships to trade and travel. The Luxons have begun mining the sea for its resource. The most important jade mines are the Jade Quarry, where war is constant with the Kurzicks. Other mines include Creon Jade Mine, Rhea’s Crater, the Aurios Mines, and the Deep (although this one was shut down because of a powerful demon that terrorized the area).  Interes:ngly, only the northern half of the sea is dense Interes:ngly, only the northern half of the sea is dense with islands, while there are no islands in the other half.  The "sea" life is surprisingly large, despite the Jade Wind’s terrible effects. Turtle Dragons, Saltspray Dragons, levia-thans, jellyfish, ravenous giant fish, the naga and other creatures all live on the jade surface.  rijeka river: The Rijeka River can be found in the southern parts of the
The Rijeka River can be found in the southern parts of th e Echovald Forest. The Rijeka runs alongside Durh eim Ar- chives, cascades along a se ries of waterfall s, and then con- :nues westward un:l it reaches the Canthan seas. T he river is quite special, as it is said to be flowing with the es- sence of the Echovald Forest. The famous Mo urning V eil Falls is part of the river.
waters of the canthan continent:   the jade sea: The Jade Sea was a beau:ful sea bordered by the Echovald
The Jade Sea was a beau:ful sea bordered by the Ech ovald Forest and the Empire of the Dragon. It froze into solid jad e 207 years ago. In the year of 872 AE, Shiro Tagachi mur - dered Emperor Angsiyan in the middle of the Harvest Cer- emony. In turn, Shiro was slain by the combine d might of the assassin Vizu, the Luxon champion Archemorus and t he Kurzick Saint Viktor. Shortly be fore his death, Shiro le t out
a cry that was empowered by a dark force from ano ther realm. The sound of the wail spre ad, and so did its effects began to materialize. The Echovald Fore st was petrified, and the sea turned into jade , earning its name.
The majority of the sea’s creatures either became one with the sea, or became corrupted. Many of th e once benevo- lent Saltspray Dragons turned mad from the Jade Wind. The naga did not become corrupt; inste ad, many of their species became frozen in the sea. Only a fe w escaped to land. They had to ab and on t heir old ways an d ethics in order to survive in the new, harsher environment. No longer did they live in peace with the Canthan human s. In
longer did they live in peace with the Canthan human s. In- stead, they wanted to make them pay for wh at they had do ne.
Fall Fashion
GuildMag, the unofficial Guild Wars magazine
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By Iz ari
attire around the world Last issue, you guys voted and decided your favorite city
Last issue , you guys voted and decided your favorite city dresser was the sassy mesmer in Lion's Arch (and wh o could blame you!). I announced a call to arms for mi xed armor sets that look great together, and you guys an- swered enthusiastically. Check out these creative combos and pick your favorite !
Next 'Attire Around the World' will highlight the be st of the best of Hallowee n costume creativity. Send in your quirky holiday combos to Be sure to check out Tyria's spookie st outfits in our November issue!
Jera Velaso
Ivan Ruse
Gaz The Malevolent
and daunting world above Vabbi makes its claim in the fall and the colors will reflect that influence: sandy orange, dark brown and pale yellow.  Armor trends to look out for: tops with long sleeves for
Armor trends to look out for: tops with long sle eves for both genders, coupled with skirts and high boots for lad ies. Gentlemen will find loose, long bottoms perfect in this weather. Those who opt for he avier armor can lean to- wards plate with a few revealed areas to ve nt during the warmer hours of the day. Thick northern armo r with fur should be avoided for now.
holidazed! The best part about Halloween? The chance to ignore ev
The best part about Hallowe en? The chance to ignore ev- erything stylish and go for the ultimate trend: good, o l' fashioned fun! Masks and costume s of all types from any festival will be popular, but of course those specific to Hal- loween are great. Ritualists get to shine in the ir mummy- inspired Ancient a rmor and ne cromancers can pretty much wear anything to scare everyone. Witchy elementali sts
look great with Wicked Hats and Elite Stormfor ge d armor together. The possibilitie s are endless! absolute accessorie s For the fall, Destroyer Gloves look great w ith the se ason's colors and the me. Blindfolds, the Dread Mask and Grenth costumes make great extras during the shi s ing weather.
Tyr ia [Old Asca lo n]
Cantha [Echovald Forest]
Elona [Sulfur Wastes]
As the days get shorter and the nights get cooler, Autumn warns that her time to reign is near. But fall is not simply a time of death and slumber: the world imitates the seasonal transformation with a beautiful display of changing colors and several cultural events to attend.  September kicks off the holiday season and Tyria's inhabit
September kicks off the holiday season and Tyria's in habit- ants can look forward to wide-spre ad monthly cele bra- tions, giving everyone an opportunity to look their be st. First, get your patches and boots ready for the Corsair self- observance coming up this month, and the highly antici- pated Hallowee n holiday will give e veryone a chance to throw caution to the wind and don the ir favorite, wackiest
ensemble s! regional  palettes
Many of the popular colors of summer make a comeback in more subdued and darker shades. Bright and vibrant are out. Overall, avoid intense blues, purples, and greens in favor of the warmer side of the color wheel. It's a good time to experiment with mixing browns, reds, and oranges to find a rich but subtle theme.  The Kingdom of Ascalon is accustomed to the ongoing cycle The Kingdom of Ascalon is accustomed to the ongoing cycle of death and rebirth. In homage to their heroes who have fallen like the leaves, the Ascalonian Autumn is flavored by oranges, yellows and reds. Specific tints to look out for are ochre and goldenrod. All of the red family, and specifically the rich, cooler shades will be in style.  Autumn is the season for tree lovers, and we all know the
Autumn is the season for tree lovers, and we all know th e Kurzick are huge fans of of the forest. Their color sche me influences Cantha's fashion this fall, so keep an eye out for deep blues, silvers and amber, a color trend that wil l con- tinue into winter and spread globally. Kurzick A rmor is we ll suited for the season as wel l, e spe ciall y for ele mentali sts, monks and warriors.
Elona may not see as drastic a weather shis, but they still enjoy a little cooling off in the northern regions. The dark

Guild Wars 2 - Demo Review

GuildMag, the unofficial Guild Wars magazine
Revie w | Page 10/ 67
By Dut ch Sunsh in e
As you may have read in the reviews befo re, Gui ld Wars 2 was available in de mo-form at at both GamesCom and PAX. Quite a lot of sites have published various videos giving in- sight into how the game actually plays, other sites have posted hands-on reviews discuss- ing their opinion on how the game played. But GuildMag tho ught you might also be inter- ested in reading an article on what the demo actua lly co nsisted of. creating your characte r
I wear _____ on the battlefield. Because of this I am recognized and given proper respect.
•	A spangenhelm •	A cap helm •	No helm at all Trouble may follow me, but I use my______ to overcome it: •	Charm •	Dignity •	Ferocity I was raised ______.
I was raised ______. By c ommon f olk Among the n obility In the streets
• • •
One of my biggest re grets is that ________. I’ve never searched fo r my true parents I never recovered my sister’s body I passed up an o pportunity to perform in the circus Everyone said I was blessed by ______ when I was young . Dwayna
• • • • • •	Grenth •	Balthazar •	Melandru •	Lyssa •	Kormir After these questions you were asked to sign your biography by entering your name, which
After these questions you were asked to sign your biography by e ntering your name, which also shows how well everything has been designe d to immerse the player into the game , making it actually fe el like you already in exist in Tyria. In Guild Wars 2 your name can con- tain 19 letters (spaces include d) and it will not limit you to ne eding to have a surname and last name, instead you can just go with only a surname. the human kingdom, a territory goi ng into oblivion
In the demo that was available at GC and PAX there were two large are as for you to ex - plore. You could e xplore the human starter area, using a level one human character. The character gave you a chance to familiarize yourself with the game play and gene rall y just play aroun d.
This area started with a movie , telling you that you’ ve been either living in the streets or amongst the nobles, based on your pre vi- ous answers to the biography questions, which really mak es the story feel more like it’s your story, instead of a random story th at
instead of a random story th at you’re forced to follow. You ge t to see that your character already has some friends and that he was traveling outside the city only to find out that Shaemo or was being attacked by centau rs.
The elementalist’s creation screen

Guild Wars 2 - Demo Review

GuildMag, the unofficial Guild Wars maga zine
Review | Page 11/67
By Autho r
Another new feature which was not so immine nt, but sdll felt right, was the fact that there was no tradidonal, linear tutorial but instead the playe r was thrown into acdon immedi- ately. You were asked to help save the people of Shae moor that were being attacked by the centaurs and thus you insdncdve ly went searching for the villagers in ne ed of hel p. Aft er you helped them reach safety in a ne arby tavern, you felt like you needed to do more to help, so you went out and helped Captain Thackeray with another centaur attack on a nearby fortress. After you nearly succeeded in getting rid of the centaurs, one centaur shaman, fled from the group to summon an elemental, causing two huge stone hand s to
shaman, fled from the group to summon an elemental, causing two huge stone hand s to grow out of the ground. This was not just some "kill the ten rats quest," no, it was a mas- sive elemental that you, as a level one or two, needed to destr oy to save the fortre ss.
After your bravery in the previous battle , you were sadly knocked out for three whol e day s, you even got a visit from a friend while you were unconscious! Now is where the fr eedom of an open world be gins, you could literally do anything you wante d now, either follow your personal story line or walk out into the persistent world to enjoy the dynamic events or just enjoy the beauty in the available zones, ranging from Di vinity ’s Reach to a r ui ne d Temple of Ages. If you decided to just follow your personal storyline you were either thrown a surprise party or you were involved in a bar brawl or e ven [enter stre et ver sion here], based on the diderent answers given in the biography. All in all, the personal story
here], based on the diderent answers given in the biography. All in all, the personal story really promises to give each player a personal e xperience of the game ’s stor y and it wi ll only grow! An example given could be that the guards want to arrest the people wh o par- dcipated in the bar brawl but because you helped out in Shaemoor you're not arrested .
this land is charr land The charr zone started with the same character creadon, although with diderent quesdons The charr zone started with the same character creadon, although with diderent quesdons and visuals. After this you were immediately thrown inside the game at a small charr out-post in high-level Ascalon (45-50). The area was quite large and you could explore a pordon from above the ruins of the Great Northern Wall, to below the pockmark flats. In this part you could see the ruins of Serenity Temple and see where Steeleye Span was built upon the place Fort Ranik used to be.  The main attracdon of this area was obviously The Shatterer, a creature that spawned The main attracdon of this area was obviously The Shatterer, a creature that spawned every now and then in the most northern part of the map. If he did, you would get a mes-sage if you wanted to travel there, but considering this was likely just done so that every-one in the demo could get a chance against the dragon, this opdon probably will not be transferred over to the actual game.
All in all, this area was mostl y use d to give you an impression of what th e game had to oder so far, bu t I’m su re that as the game develops and the sto- ryline gets implemented into thi s par t of the game ,it will prove to be an inter - esdng area to explore for both old Guild
Wars players and new ones.

Guild Wars 2 - Demo Review

GuildMag, the unofficial Guild Wars magazine
Review | Page 12/6 7
By Dut ch Sunsh in e
the gameplay In the original Guild Wars, you were locked on the yoor. You couldn’t jump or swim, the
In the original Guild Wars, you were locked on the yoor. You couldn’ t jump or swim, the only thing you could do was run around in the world. In Guild Wars 2, however, it’s possible to jump, swim, and you’re even allowed to dodge at the cost of a small amount of e nergy by double tapping into the direceon you want to go. Another returning and helpful fu nceon was the auto-run opeon, which makes longer walks less boring for your fingers and e nables you to enjoy the world around you as your camera was not locked onto the character’ s back, but on his posieon. This funceon also enable s you to view your character up front as you could in the original Guild Wars.
you could in the original Guild Wars.
Targeeng and auto-attack in Guild Wars 2 has also undergone a revamp. Whereas in the original Guild Wars you would auto-attack your ene my by merely clicking on it, you now have to choose a skill and bind it as an auto-attack skill, which also makes it easier for a spe- cific skill to be repeated. However, since the auto-targeeng in Guild Wars 2 is modifie d and the placement of your character is more important than it was in the original Guild Wars, you now have to make sure that you’re close enough to an enemy in order to h it h im. Fo r example, when you’ve got a warrior and want to attack an enemy that’s slightly ou t of yo ur attack range, you’ll sell use your skill but inste ad of hitting, you’ll miss. N evertheless, target
attack range, you’ll sell use your skill but inste ad of hitting, you’ll miss. N evertheless, target- ing is made easier in Guild Wars 2, as the only thing you’ve to do is to make sure your enemy is in sight to auto-target it. In other words, the enemy that’s the closest to you gets targeted automaecally. When attempeng to kill a larger boss, you’ll get muleple vi sual clues as to where you can attack him. These visual clues are represented by a ci rcle yoaeng in front of the enemy’ s body.
As we meneoned before on one of our GuildMag Blitz blog posts, the level cap has been raised from level 20 in the original Guild Wars to 80 in Guild Wars 2. N ext to this, the l evel- ing curve will smooth after a while so that all your levels wil l be equal in length to obtai n.
1. Compass 2. Skill bar 3. Chat panel 4. Experience bar 5. Event tracker 6. Opeons 7. Target This displays your current target with its health, a picture, the name and the level of the target.  Compass Compass The compass is much like your old school Guild Wars compass. It shows the direceon for conenuing your personal storyline via a green arrow. It has all kinds of dots represeneng various characters in the world, and you can sell click on the map to ping a locaeon to your team members.  Next to these old funceons, the compass also shows you where your next waypoint is in
Next to these old funceons, the compass also shows you where your ne xt waypoint is in whatever zone you currently are in, and it also makes a wider difference between the dis- played dots (no longe r will you’ll be confuse d about who’s your team member or just an all y). While the compass sell rotate s with how you move your screen in-game, it no longer di s- plays all the direceons of the compass, but instead is l imited to the N for North.

Guild Wars 2 - Demo Review

GuildMag, the unofficial Guild Wars magazin e
Review | Page 13/6 7
By Dut ch Su nsh in e
1. Health ball orb The health ball orb is the replacement for the health bar in Guild Wars. When you run out The health ball orb is the replacement for the health bar in Guild Wars. When you run out of health, you’ll end up in the downed state which grants you four new skills in a separate skill bar. Your screen will also get a red glow at the edges to make your last struggle feel as intense as an actual last fight.  2. Energy bar This one stays the same as in Guild Wars. You’re going to need it to use your skills, though it has been tweaked a bit as you can read next…  3. Energy potions 3. Energy potions In the original Guild Wars, energy management was an integral part of any build. It was a short term resource that could be exhausted in a single combat fight, which could ulti-mately slow down a player's gameplay. Now in Guild Wars 2, energy is a long term resource and is maintained by energy potions. You can jump into a fight and keep fighting with the use of energy potions; however, they do have a cooldown which is further extended while in combat.  If you run out of these, you might experience slower gameplay by having to stop every few If you run out of these, you might experience slower gameplay by having to stop every few fights to regain your energy, but now, you won't be using up your entire energy pool for every single encounter.  4. Weapon skills These skills are determined by what kind of weapons you’re currently wearing wielding. Are
These skills are determined by what kind of weapons you’ re currentl y wearing wielding. Are you wearing wielding a sword and a shie ld? You’ ll get three sword skills, and two skills to use with your shie ld. Are you using a rifle? You’ ll get five skills which make use of the rifle. You can’t change these skills as they’re the general setup for these weapons. 5. Utility s kill s Utility skills on the other hand can be tweaked. The first (or 6th if yo u cou nt t he first five skills) of these skills will always be your healing skill, whereve r you g o. This sk ill is to m ak e
sure you can heal yourself. The healing skill, just like the other utility skills, can be changed. Next are slots 7-9 which serve as your general utility skills. These can be changed anytime you are outside of combat. Finally, the 10th skill slot will serve as your elite skill.  As I mentioned before, these skills are changeable, this is being which is done by a small arrow just above these skills which opens up a new tab showing the available skills for that skill slot as shown on the picture to the right.  6. Weapon swap In Guild Wars you could have up to four different weapon slots. This has been reduced to a In Guild Wars you could have up to four different weapon slots. This has been reduced to a maximum of two. However, now the changing of the weapons changes your first 5 skills, so weapon swapping is very important. You can determine these two slots by going to your ‘hero’ panel where you can choose which two weapon sets you want to use. Currently, the Elementalist only has one active weapon slot and instead uses Attunements to alter his weapon skills.  7. Specialized profession bar A newly added feature to Guild Wars 2 is a specific profession bar for all professions which A newly added feature to Guild Wars 2 is a specific profession bar for all professions which is located above your weapon skills.  •	A warrior has an adrenaline bar which consists of three stages. Each stage represents a new adrenaline level. When you’ve filled up a stage, your damage will be passively in-creased. At different adrenaline stages, a warrior can unleash his Burst skill that is specific to his main hand weapon. Once the Burst skill is used, the adrenaline drops back to 0. •	The elementalist makes use of this specialized bar by offering you four different kinds of •	The elementalist makes use of this specialized bar by offering you four different kinds of attunements. Throughout a battle you can change your attunement from fire, to either earth, water, or air. Each attunement has both an active effect when the attunement is acti-vated and a passive effect that remains on the elementalist for as long as he is in that spe-cific attunement. To prevent abuse of this feature, there is an added cooldown timer which prevents you from rapidly changing attunements. •	The necromancer has a bar which fills up with life force, obtained by either slaying en
• The necromancer has a bar which fills up with life force , obtained by either sl aying en- emies or using certain skills. At any time , the Necromancer can activate his De ath Shroud to unlock 4 new skills to defe at his enemies. The Necromance r also enters the Death Sh roud, with whatever amount of life force he had remaining, when he is downed. N ow you may wonder, why would I want to be in my downed state form? Well, as a necromance r your skills are quite impressive and cause a lot of damage. It also comes in handy whe n you need to scout an area ahead, as your character will transport back return to the original activa- tion point of the skill whe n your life force, which replaces your health while transformed,
tion point of the skill whe n your life force, which replaces your health while transformed, run s out .

Guild Wars 2 - Demo Review

GuildMag, the unofficial Guild Wars magazin e
Review | Page 14/6 7
By Dut ch Sunsh in e
Chat panel For the public the chat panel was only used as all chat, but seemingly there were some other chat panels already in the game. When pushing some buttons keys I accidentally became stuck in the private chat, nevertheless my experience was fun, and I’d like to return a favor by quoting Designer Curtis Johnson from the ArenaNet blog:  "A demo player named Dutch Sunshine made a run from the newbie area at level two with "A demo player named Dutch Sunshine made a run from the newbie area at level two with a group of higher level ArenaNet staff and survived all the way into the level 15 area. In the end, Dutch Sunshine took on this huge swamp behemoth with us in a massive battle full of carnage and pyrotechnics. Awesome stuff."  Experience bar While the experience bar was more present in Guild Wars, in Guild Wars 2 it got worked
While the experience bar was more present in Guild Wars, in Guild Wars 2 it got wor ke d into the overall inte rface and got stretched across the whole screen. Your current level is shown at the utter far left of the experience bar. Event Tracker
This one is a handy fe ature that you’ll be lik ely to often use use often. It shows what eve nts you currently have active. This can be used to moni- tor your progress in multiple dynamic events at one time. White bars are used to sho w the player how much morale the enemy has le ft, the health bar of a boss, how much longer the walls will hold, or how much health a certain charac
will hold, or how much health a certain charac- ter or structure may have remaini ng .
Upon completion of an event, you can be rewarded for your participation level in the event. Either bronze, silver, or gold medals will be displayed to show much you partici-pated in each event. A higher level medal scores additional experience, karma, and gold for the victorious player. In the screenshot above, you can find the event tracker in the upper right corner. Your personal storyline ‘quest’ will be listed in green text, events you have active are in yellow, and a larger event that requires a larger group will be shown in orange.  Options
Options These buttons indicate various options that will be accessible in the final game, though for the demo they were off-limits.
Hero While the Hero tab in Guild Wars was only While the Hero tab in Guild Wars was only used to show your account and character achievements, in Guild Wars 2 your hero panel will show you your attributes (like it used to be in Guild Wars), traits, personal history, and achievements.  • Equipment In Guild Wars 2 your equipment is split from
In Guild Wars 2 your equipment is split from your inventory, but has added a few othe r things to the panel. To start off, there are quite a few new armor slots added to th e equipment panel. You can now e quip a sepa- rate earring for your left and ri ght e ar, a neck- lace, a cape, and two slots for rings, one for each h and.
each han d.
Next to the usual display of a he lmet, torso, gloves, leggings, and boots, you can now also equip shoulde r plates. All equipments change, as usual, as soon as you equip the m. At the bottom of the equipment panel you can find an option to manually change your weapon set by clicking on a two-spl itting arrow.
The inventory returns an d is better than before, as now you’ll be able to have at least five bags with twenty slots each, resulting in a fin al su m of one hundred inventory slots. To compare, in Guild Wars, there were 45 normal inventory sl ots and 20 weapon slots in the recently added equ ip- ment packs.
You do start out with a bag of only twe nty slots, and just like in Guild Wars you can also click th e different bags to go to each one of them, b ut as an added addition, you can also scroll down with a scroll bar on the right side.

Guild Wars 2 - Demo Revie


GuildMag, the unofficial Guild Wars magaz ine
Review | Page 15/67
By Dut ch Sunsh in e
• Dyes At the bottom, next to your weapons, you can see an eyedropper symbol which lets you
• Attrib utes
Each armor has up to three dye slots for you to modify, and fourth one to make your armor look more lik e a set when com - bined with different pie ces of armor.
We’ve made a video of this dye system whi le we were at GamesCom so be sure to check that out via our conve ntion vide o page which you’ll find a link to at the end of this article .
Attributes have also seen a makeov er from the orig inal Guild Wars, no longer does e ach profession feature a se pa- rate set of attributes. Inste ad, everyone shares the same attributes, although some are locked and faded out in gray when it might not be so smart to use a certain attribute for your profession. Attributes that do affe ct your current skill setup are depicted with a small arrow on the right side of the attribute.
the attribute. Unlike Guild Wars, wher e you nee de d to have a ce rtain amount of attribute points to add anothe r point to your at- tribute, you can now add all attribute points se parately. When reaching a new level, you’ll obtain 6 a ttri bute points to use.
The attributes in Guild Wars 2 are the following: - Strength: improves your melee power, and obviously will be useful for melee-damage dealing professions. - Agility: affects longer range power, and will be used for weapons like a bow or a rifle. - Intelligence: enhances your magic power, and will be useful for casting-professions. - Vitality: ups your total health making your character more durable in battle. - Perception: increases your chance on a critical hit - Perception: increases your chance on a critical hit - Willpower: adds more energy for you to use   • Personality and character info The last feature of the equipment panel is your personality, which is also a new feature for The last feature of the equipment panel is your personality, which is also a new feature for Guild Wars 2. First, at the top you’ll find your current level, your overall defense rating and your overall gained experience. Below this you’ll find three bars, a yellow one depicting ‘Charming’, a blue one which represents ‘Dignity’ and a red bar for ‘Ferocity’. The highest percentage will be your current personality and will be the deciding factor on how others might approach you.  When you first create your character you’ll get the question what you use to overcome When you first create your character you’ll get the question what you use to overcome your troubles. The answer (charm, dignity or ferocity) will be filled up to 50% while the other two will remain 25%.  Traits This panel is divided in two columns, one column with your available options. These are
This panel is divided in two columns, one column with your available options. The se are decided by two factors, namely your profession and the weapons you’ re currently wear-